His burden

This is an excellent reading…

“But I want to die before my symptoms are bad enough to require a hospice. “

Illusions of Autonomy


I knew George would be the first to ask. He had heard about his diagnosis a week before the vote, and although he had never raised the subject with me (there was no need), I just knew he’d be the one. Metastatic oesophageal cancer. 78 years of age, but ‘biologically’ 65 – busy, reluctantly retired – until disease began to excavate the contours above his strong jaw.

I prepared myself for his questions as I drove to the house. In fact I prepared my defences. Never a great supporter of Falconer’s Bill, I recognised my duty to engage in the process of Assisted Dying if that was what my patients wished. I had already decided that I would not be one to wash my hands of it, to pass it on to more willing colleagues. If it was legal, if it was right – for my patients – I would sign the…

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Looking for distance carers in palliative care

As you may already know, I am currently doing a PhD at Oxford Brookes University. As part of my doctorate, I am conducting a research study exploring the characteristics, needs and experiences of carers at a distance in palliative care, and if and how they use the internet in their role as carers. At the moment, I am recruiting distance carers in palliative care who are willing to fill in a short online survey.

are you caring at a distance

So if you:

– Are at least 18 years old.

– Have a relative who is in a hospice or receiving palliative care at home.

– Live away from your ill relative (this could be a different town, or a different country), but still provide any kind of significant support.

Please consider participating in this study by filling in this online survey:


You may also wish to visit the project’s Facebook page, or follow the twitter updates at @DistanceCarers.